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Search Results (7)

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Hepatitis B vaccination is effective by subcutaneous route in children with bleeding disorders: a universal data collection database analysis.Academic Article Why?
Analysis of Neurogastrointestinal and Motility Disorders From the National Pediatric Database (Kid's Inpatient Database): Exploring Demographic Access and Outcomes.Academic Article Why?
Effect of donor ethnicity on kidney survival in different recipient pairs: an analysis of the OPTN/UNOS database.Academic Article Why?
An Age-Based Analysis of Pediatric Melanoma: Staging, Surgery, and Mortality in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Database.Academic Article Why?
Racial/ethnic disparities in revascularization for limb salvage: an analysis of the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database.Academic Article Why?
Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Training ProgramGrant Why?
The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR): a model organism database providing a centralized, curated gateway to Arabidopsis biology, research materials and community.Academic Article Why?
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